+91 3340040162


PF, ESI, PTAX & Labour Law

Our consultancy services stand as a fortress of knowledge, shielding companies from the intricacies of labour laws, encompassing PF, ESIC, and Factory Act regulations tailored to their specific jurisdictions. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we offer an extensive spectrum of services, transcending mere guidance on statutory obligations to crafting meticulous compliance modules and drafting employment documents with meticulous precision.

At Bozon Technologies, we stand as stalwart sentinels of legal compliance, equipped with the knowledge and expertise to fortify our clients' operations in the face of multifaceted labour laws. Our mission is to empower businesses to not only thrive but to do so with unwavering fidelity to legal obligations.

Within this realm, our offerings extend to:

Labour Law Consultation

For emerging enterprises and startups, we provide a beacon of clarity amidst the labyrinthine world of labour laws. We excel in architecting intricate frameworks, custom-fitted to their unique needs, ensuring seamless compliance.

Registration Consultation

Our expertise shines in the realm of consultancy for diverse new registrations, licenses, and compliance mandates. We transform the convoluted landscape of legal requirements into a navigable pathway for our esteemed clients.

Record Maintenance Mastery

Diligence is our hallmark as we expertly oversee record maintenance, synchronizing it with the ever-evolving landscape of relevant laws. This meticulous approach guarantees that our clients remain unwaveringly compliant with the ever-vigilant watch of regulatory mandates.