+91 3340040162


Backoffice Solution

In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, cost-efficiency is a paramount challenge faced by service providers and industry leaders striving to offer their products at attractive price points. The soaring expenses associated with back-office data processing stand as a significant hurdle in this endeavour.

Bozon stands as a paragon of innovation, efficiency, and scalability in the realm of Back Office Outsourcing solutions. We excel in delivering a diverse spectrum of services, including time sheet calculations, medical claims processing, accounting record management, surveys, and various HR- related operations. Our unwavering commitment to speed, precision, and productivity sets us apart.

Let's delve into the compelling advantages of outsourcing non-core activities::

  • Enhanced Focus on Core Functions: Outsourcing liberates your attention, enabling you to concentrate on your core business functions, thereby directing your resources towards strategic initiatives.
  • Operational Cost Mitigation: Outsourcing translates into tangible reductions in operating costs, bolstering your financial efficiency and profitability.
  • Optimal Space Utilization: By entrusting non-core responsibilities to expert hands, you can optimize the utilization of your physical and virtual spaces for pivotal business operations.
  • Backlog Elimination and Scalability: Outsourcing empowers you to obliterate backlogs and offers the flexibility to scale your operations in response to fluctuating demands.

Our distinctive strengths encompass:

  • State-of-the-Art Facility: Bozon operates from a fully equipped centre in Kolkata, manned by a cadre of skilled and highly educated professionals.
  • Round-the-Clock Operations: Our operations run 24/7, aligning seamlessly with your specific needs and Turnaround Time (TAT) requirements.
  • Technological Efficiency: Bozon harnesses the power of cutting-edge technology to drive efficient data processing, ensuring consistent and reliable outcomes.
  • Data Security and Confidentiality: We place paramount importance on the security and confidentiality of sensitive records, implementing stringent measures to safeguard your invaluable information.